A Wellness Revolution

Our Wellness Coaches and Practitioners

Cathleen Caiola Beerkens

Position: Nurse BSN and Health Educator, ICF Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Email: cathleenbeerkens@gmail.com

I graduated from the University of Maryland with a BS in Health Education in 1983 and continued my education by receiving a BSN from Georgetown University Nursing School in 1985. I began my nursing career at Georgetown University Medical Centre in Washington, DC where I worked for 11 years in various positions in the Emergency Room, Surgical and High-Risk Labor and Delivery units. I also enjoyed many years teaching as a TA (Teacher’s Assistant) at the Georgetown University Nursing School, conducting childbirth education and working with midwives.

In 1996, I moved with my family to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, where my husband and I raised our three children. I became Vice President of the American Women’s Club in Amsterdam for 2 years, where I organized the monthly events with many inspiring speakers. As the years went by, I found myself turning to many different forms of complementary medicine in the Netherlands, as I came to realize that my western medical background was not offering complete solutions to promote holistic health and wellbeing. I was constantly amazed by the positive changes these ancient and new discoveries of complementary medicine could bring and found true value in nutrition, dietary adjustments, emotional and energetic healing.

After this period of discovery, I went on to receive certification in Polarity Healing, Reflexology, and Reconnective Healing. I graduated in March 2017 from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition from NYC as a Integrative Health Coach. I have been studying many of the sciences that have been evolving in the recent years and they have revealed important pieces of a more holistic perspective of health. I am determined to bring this important education of cellular wellbeing to the world. Over the years I have had a healing and coaching practice that has guided me to develop this educational business (www.AWellnessRevolution.com) in training and certifying Health and Wellness Coaches in the Netherlands and Worldwide.

I have seen that the students that take our course, vary in their backgrounds, anywhere from a therapist, practitioner, nurse, business, or lifestyle coach to anyone, including parents and people who are interested in living a more conscious health driven life. We here at A Wellness Revolution believe, that each person can influence their path and future self by how consciously they live their lives. A Wellness Revolution exposes students to new scientific understandings of the body mind and spirit that brings a much deeper, more robust definition of self-care. I truly love to help people improve and regain their health and I am humbled by the miracles that I witness every day.

A Wellness Revolution was created to consciously address some of the problems in healthcare today. We are committed to training our Health and Wellness Coaches holistically as they develop coaching skills and integrate knowledge of the Sciences of Epigenetics, Neuroscience, Glycoscience with a Holistic Vision of Health and Wellness.

  • Cathleen Beerkens, Founder of A Wellness Revolution

Join me and our team at A Wellness Revolution and become a Certified Health and Wellness Coach today!

I graduated from the University of Maryland with a BS...

Cathleen Caiola Beerkens

Nurse BSN and Health Educator, ICF Certified Health and Wellness Coach

Lia Weijts

Position: BA, Motoric Therapist, ICF and NBHWC Certified Health and Wellness Coach
Phone: 0031 645664638
Email: info@liaweijts.nl

I love to help families to become  happier and healthier


My background is in social work and physical health, I received my BA in posture movement in 1995 with a specialty and expertise in motor skills. I have been working with kids for more than 20 years,  I have been the  CEO of my practice since 2003


Over the years I have seen an increased number of children with physical health challenges such as weight issues, low self-esteem and/ or mothers who didn’t know how to find help or support their kids with these  problems.

I felt the strong need to contribute and this led me to pursue all sorts of studies and courses like Aura-Soma color system,  integrated health coaching and graduating as a holistic health and Wellness coach in 2018.

I am  certified by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) since 2020 and NBHWC (National Board of Health and Wellness Coaches) since 2022 .

I coach  with passion every day

I regularly offer  classes in health and Wellness and I am a teacher, mentor and senior coach in a holistic health and Wellness coaching course off a  Wellness Revolution coaching institute . As a holistic health and Wellness coach I’m specialized in family health.

I coach families with children who have weight issues,  have problems with self-esteem and self-care. I  also coach the mothers who are often play so many roles as a mother, partner and in work that they lose their own identity.  They are so busy taking care of everything and everyone that they forgot how to take care of themselves. I help them to come back into their own power and own identity so that they become their authentic self again. And by doing so become better moms to their children . So again a healthier and happier family.

I’m excited to share my knowledge, practical skills and experience with families I believe that changing your lifestyle in body mind and spirit is not so difficult as people often think. With the right support and right tools you can change all sorts of old habits and belief systems into a healthy and more happy new lifestyle.

With motivation and support it’s much easier to reach your ultimate goal:  A happy and healthy family with space for everyone and the children growing into the person they are meant to be.

I love to help families to become  happier and healthier...

Lia Weijts

BA, Motoric Therapist, ICF and NBHWC Certified Health and Wellness Coach

mr. Roos van Monsjou

Position: Chief Health Officer, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, ACC coach
Phone: +31 6 52332488
Email: info@roosvanmonsjou.nl
Website: www.roosvanmonsjou.nl

I am a mother of two as well as an ICF certified Health & Wellness Coach and Healthy Nutrition Expert. I opened my own Healthy Lifestyle Studio in Vreeland (near Amsterdam), shortly after graduating.

I offer both online and offline coaching (internationally as well) and also state-of-the-art health check scans, enabling clients to learn more about the inside of their amazing body, if that interests them. I also help clients learn what kinds of food choices can improve their health and well being.

I have always been interested in helping people with their health since childhood. Becoming a doctor was too exact and based on treating the symptoms, in my point of view. I always want to know the reason why things are the way they are. This led me to study Law which I graduated from with a Masters degree.
My interest in health, nutrition, wellness and the mind-body-spirit connection made me decide to become a certified Health & Wellness Coach.
Doing research, always interested in new things is what I do in my practice near Amsterdam and for my private clients.
I  love and enjoy to teach and mentor at A Wellness Revolution.

I hope to meet you online or live in Vreeland!

I am a mother of two as well as an...

mr. Roos van Monsjou

Chief Health Officer, National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, ACC coach

Martine van Berckel-Visser ‘t Hooft

Position: Integrative Health Coach IIN, Brandon Bays Journey Practitioner

I studied Public Administration at Leiden University. I found my true passion sometime later, through guiding other people to change and let go of old emotional patterns and blockages as I became a holistic practitioner. I furthered my education in health coaching and Yin Yoga, teaching to help others find true balance.

I enjoyed a career teaching and coaching children and people who are mourning.

I now look forward to many years ahead teaching the new sciences all over the planet.

I studied Public Administration at Leiden University. I found my...

Martine van Berckel-Visser ‘t Hooft

Integrative Health Coach IIN, Brandon Bays Journey Practitioner

Maaike Driessen Laverman

Position: Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Energy Coach, Kinesiologist, Color Therapist, Teacher
Email: maaikedl@xs4all.nl

I am the founder of the Institute for Personal Energy and a certified health and wellness/energy coach, Touch 4 Health instructor, mentor, coach and teacher for A Wellness Revolution. I teach coaches worldwide online how to re-program their clients (remove limiting beliefs), and face-to-face in Amsterdam. I have been interviewed by A Wellness Revolution on my stress & energy management and re-programming expertise.

I mostly coach groups and individuals in corporate business to gain optimal health & wellness, teaching them in particular how to achieve balance.

I developed Your Energy Survival Kit for adults, where I coach my clients towards a higher quality of life, increased productivity, reducing the risks of burn-out and sick leave. I teach this in the Netherlands to corporate business and the employees of Ronald mc Donald house.

I also developed Your Easy Learning and Living Kit for children which I coach in national and international schools. To have a better focus, food intake and improving their sleep qualities and self-esteem.

My mission is to help people boost their energy, lower their stress levels, and regain their crucial balance by applying my hands on, easy to use anywhere, anytime tools and increasing their knowledge around food, sleep, limiting beliefs and colors.

I have been featured in International Magazines for my expertise in Health & Wellness Coaching including sleep, energy, and stress management.

Upcoming co-author of the book “WOMAN IN THE MODERN BUSINESS WORLD” to coach people to find their blueprint as in being the most authentic you, and international speaker soon to be found on the Dutch Bookboon library: Health & wellness (stress, energy, sleep, colors, and belief systems).

I have worked in the Netherlands and abroad, returning to Amsterdam in 1997. My husband and I have 3 children and a beautiful bonus daughter.

My practice enables me to carry out my passion to help others regain their optimal mental and physical health after experiencing whatever life has challenged them with.

My ambition is to change not only our current lives, but also those of the generations to come.

Find me at: http://www.instituteforpersonalenergy.com/


I am the founder of the Institute for Personal Energy...

Maaike Driessen Laverman

Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Energy Coach, Kinesiologist, Color Therapist, Teacher

Debby van der Plas

Position: Msc, Neurofeedbacktrainer, certified Psychosocial Therapist and Health Coach
Phone: 0031-645954246
Email: info@neo-neurotherapie.nl

I own a practice specialized in Neurotherapy, integrated holistic therapy with the brain in mind, since 2008. I use different techniques to make people like the best version of themselves. I work on all levels of  body, mind and spirit. I am so grateful to see the results with my clients. These are very often real life-changing experiences for them.

I graduated as a real-estate management and development graduate engineer in 1998 and I have worked for ten years as a real estate manager and developer. During this period I encountered several health challenges on a physical level As the doctor could not help me, he told me I had to live with that. I did not accept that and went on a journey to find my health again. Which I found, because I got rid of the health issues.

After a few years I didn’t like the work I was doing anymore. It was not feeding me as a person and I couldn’t use my talents and interests as much as I wanted to. My own journey for health led me to my new occupation as a therapist. It gave me a lot of knowledge of how to take back your own health on a physical, mental level and spiritual level. All three areas are important and will be addressed in my work as a therapist and wellness coach. My knowledge keeps expanding every day, and I love my work.

Debby van der Plas

NEO Neurotherapie

Leidse Rijn 23

3454 PZ  De Meern (Utrecht)


I own a practice specialized in Neurotherapy, integrated holistic therapy...

Debby van der Plas

Msc, Neurofeedbacktrainer, certified Psychosocial Therapist and Health Coach

Yvonne Medd

Position: BSc, Credentialled McKenzie Therapist, International Certified Watson Headache Consultant, Health & Wellness Coach
Email: yvonne@meddcare.me

Originally trained as a physiotherapist (graduated in Utrecht in 1991) I learned about the McKenzie method while on an internship in England. I was immediately taken by the clarity of this approach and the amazing results for clients with disabling back- and neck problems. I just had to learn more! I have been working as a Mechanical Therapist ever since. As I attracted a lot of clients with headaches, unsure if or how they were related to their neck problems, I naturally had to find out more about this too. So I trained, and I learned, and I worked hard, so that I could become the expert headache practitioner that I am today.

The mechanical evaluation and treatment (MDT) is a different way of looking at physical pain. My passion lies in finding the cause of the problem, the point where the vicious circle started. The method is systematic, clear, evidence based and highly dependable. With the right coaching and explanation, it also helps clients to understand why they are having trouble, therefor stimulates them to take an active part in the treatment.

Having worked in different settings, from a non-profit hospital in the Ghetto in Florida to a chique private clinic in Amsterdam, having seen so many different people from so many different cultures and backgrounds, with so many different reasons for their pain, all any of them just needed was that one thing: a different view. A more holistic view.

Mechanicoaching does not coach just the physical level, but evaluates the mechanical behaviour of your pain. It allows for a better communication between you and your body. Add in the emotional, spiritual and nutritional influences and your vicious circle is complete.

You can learn how to listen to the signals your body is giving you, so that you can get a complete understanding of your trouble and what you can do about it. So that you and your spine can be happy and healthy again.

Originally trained as a physiotherapist (graduated in Utrecht in 1991)...

Yvonne Medd

BSc, Credentialled McKenzie Therapist, International Certified Watson Headache Consultant, Health & Wellness Coach

Jeanneke Douwes

Position: BA Psychology, Integrative Health Coach IIN, Editor
Email: jeanneke@douwesfamily.com

Illness and ill-health have had a great impact on my family, as well as my life in general. This was most noticeably true (many years ago) when genes were considered to hold, and be responsible for, over 85% of our health and wellness.

For this reason, I became especially interested in health, the body’s natural abilities to heal, as well as the role nutrition can play within this healing process. Furthermore, I believe that any kind of healing process must begin with education – because how can we heal or improve what we don’t know or understand?

I have studied integrative health & am co-editor of the ‘A Wellness Revolution’ newsletter.

I truly believe in A Wellness Revolution and especially in the 6-month Health & Wellness Certified Coaching Course that it offers. It is an amazing supplemental course for practitioners already in the Health and Wellness industry to help strengthen, focus & firmly reinforce their coaching skills, as well as an invaluable course for those entrepreneurs wishing to start a business that allows all of us to become the best versions of ourselves..!!!

Illness and ill-health have had a great impact on my...

Jeanneke Douwes

BA Psychology, Integrative Health Coach IIN, Editor

Karin Sauren

Position: Bakkers MSc, Orthomolecular Therapist, Wellness Coach
Email: karinsauren@gmail.com

I graduated from Tilburg University with a Master’s in Business Econometrics, with a specialisation in Logistics, in 1997. I then started my career at IBM (in Spare Parts Logistics) and worked in several IBM offices, including Amsterdam, London, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

I returned to the Netherlands in 2005 with my husband and together we became the proud parents of our beautiful son, Wesley, in 2007, who was born with Down Syndrome. In an effort to support and nurture him (as well as myself), I gave up my career at IBM and was then able to discover my true passion in life – understanding the relationship between health and food and their impact on one another.

I received my certification in Orthomolecular Medicine in 2015 and a year later in the Fundamentals of Medicine (Medische Basiskennis). I experienced first-hand how diet and nutrition improved Wesley’s health, not to mention my own, tremendously.

I ran my own orthomolecular practice for three years and have now committed myself fully to A Wellness Revolution, being part of the leadership team and supporting this mission in several areas. I love the holistic way of looking at Health & Wellness and the integrated approach of the Health & Wellness Coaching Course.

I love being part of this mission that brings this vital education of Glycoscience, Epigenetics and Neuroscience to the larger world.

I graduated from Tilburg University with a Master’s in Business...

Karin Sauren

Bakkers MSc, Orthomolecular Therapist, Wellness Coach

Grace Simon-Kellerman

Position: Health&Wellness Coach, Teacher

I used to work as a supervisor within the airline business and it was during my time there that I recognized the importance of health. Looking at it from a holistic point of view, I decided to educate myself and become a Reiki Master and Bach Blossom Remedy therapist.

I also started softlaser therapy using acupuncture points to help clients who wished to quit smoking and went on to study psycho-social human behaviour at the AIM/SPSO in order to gain a better understanding of my clients’ and their challenges.

The final pieces of the proverbial puzzle began to fall into place once I took the Health and Wellness Coaching Course offered by A Wellness Revolution. I am now part of an amazing group of inspiring people with a mission to share awareness and education about a holistic approach to health and wellness. I am proud to be both a mentor and teacher within A Wellness Revolution and truly enjoy supporting others in making more informed choices when it comes to their pursuit of a healthier lifestyle!

I used to work as a supervisor within the airline...

Grace Simon-Kellerman

Health&Wellness Coach, Teacher

Abhi Brandt

Position: Wellness Coach, Meditation Teacher, Color Therapist, Administrator
Email: remember@telfort.nl
I am a health food specialist and I coach in the areas of meditation, home & office organization, and healthy food.
As a coach, I help people adjust their lifestyle and food habits to the needs of their body, spirit, and mind.
I’ve always had an innate interest in meditation. Having come from a Christian background, I invariably enjoyed the silence during those church services. I first learned of silent meditation when I was 16 years old, during a yoga lesson with a teacher who had walked all the way to Europe from India! I was a student at the Creative Art Therapy Academy in Amersfoort, NL from 1980 – 1982.
During the 1980s, I joined an international spiritual movement and a spiritual school; I traveled and lived in both India and the US for several years, learning and experiencing meditation, self-development, Aura-Soma Colour therapy, and Hypnotherapy. I am an Aura-Soma Colour and a Colour Light Therapy Practitioner and followed a year-long course in the School for Naturopathy in the 1990s in Germany.
Over the past few years, I followed various different training such as Healing with food (Nederlof Centrum HBO Voeding, Suppletie en Adviezen), Wellness Coaching Course (A Wellness Revolution) and I am continuing to study many aspects of health, such as natural suppletion, health programs, and wellness coaching to become a better Wellness Coach.
I am particularly interested in the effects of real food on human health at all levels. Knowing that today’s food production is not as ‘healthy’ as it should be with the effects of soil depletion creating a decline in nutrition, I became particularly interested in the new sciences. Here I found new answers to how our body, mind, and spirit can receive the nutrition that it needs. Joining the Wellness Coaching Course has sharpened my awareness of how important it is to know that what you eat creates “you” on all levels of one’s being. Personal services such as:
– Hand-tailored solutions in terms of food – lifestyle and home & office organization
– individual coaching including meditation, Colour consultation, and Aura-Soma Colour Therapy.

I am a health food specialist and I coach in...

Abhi Brandt

Wellness Coach, Meditation Teacher, Color Therapist, Administrator

Henrike Hendrikson

Position: Classical Singer (Mezzo-soprano) – Lichtenberg method (sound oriented singing) - Pansori Living Sound (healing) – Wellness Coach
Email: henrikehendrikson@gmail.com

Sound and music always had a special place in my life. I studied classical singing (mezzo-soprano) at the conservatorium –Vrije Muziek Academie in Zeist, the Netherlands (2000-2004).

During that time I understood that there is a more natural way to develop the human voice; therefore I specialized in the so called ‘Lichtenberg method’: sound oriented singing. It stimulates the autoregulation of the sound by means of sensory stimulation. It helps singers and speakers not to misuse or overuse their voices.

Some years ago I started the education: Pansori Living Sound. Undoubtedly, Pansori has healing properties for several neurological and psychosomatic disorders by means of sound. I work together with a Dutch general practice doctor.

At the same time, I also came in contact with the knowledge of the new Sciences. It is my experience that its application strongly supports physical health. So I would like to help people to find back their health on different levels. I discovered that for many men and women sound is a medicine par excellence!

Sound and music always had a special place in my...

Henrike Hendrikson

Classical Singer (Mezzo-soprano) – Lichtenberg method (sound oriented singing) - Pansori Living Sound (healing) – Wellness Coach

Laurée Lynn Sine

Position: Naturopathic Therapist & Trainer in Emotion, Body, Mind Rebalancing (Holistic EFT) BS in Elementary Education, AWR Health and Wellness Coach, Mentor, Crystal Bed Facilitator
Phone: 31 6 40809675
Email: lauree@laureesine.nl

I have a passion to help children, teens and adults “awaken” to their soul’s purpose and understand that their ideas, thoughts and feelings are not unusual.

Who are you really? Join me in one on one sessions or in a group setting with others to explore the subtle life force within you while exploring who you really are. Via online or live sessions, I guide you in communicating and reconnecting with your mental, emotional, and physical body, especially in cases when this connection has been lost over time. When there is good inner communication, the soul is satisfied. When there is soul satisfaction, natural creativity and purpose for life can emerge and grow!

I have spent the past 30 years learning to understand the energetic human body/mind system. Since 1997, my work has emphasized the importance of the emotional, psychological, and spiritual influences on the physical body. In 2005, I added the Crystal Bed as a part of the whole healing experience to help clients reach levels within themselves that I could not do alone as a therapist. The Crystal Bed plays a vital role in clients’ mental, emotional & physical detoxification process into a renewal of lifeforce energy at the cellular level. With the assistance of the Crystal Bed, all dimensions within the human body sing together as one and the vibrational energy level within the client’s system is raised within 1 session. When this occurs, clients report having harmonious, balanced feelings within their body as well as their thoughts.

In 2014, I met Cathleen Beerkens and several other practitioners. By joining forces, we created A Wellness Revolution. We combined our talents to offer a complete form of coaching to the Health and Wellness industry, bringing the ‘new sciences’ and holistic methodologies into the mainstream.

If you would like to know more about my education and my work with children, teens and adults to stay “awake” to their soul’s light and purpose here on earth, please visit my website:  www.laureesine.nl

I have a passion to help children, teens and adults...

Laurée Lynn Sine

Naturopathic Therapist & Trainer in Emotion, Body, Mind Rebalancing (Holistic EFT) BS in Elementary Education, AWR Health and Wellness Coach, Mentor, Crystal Bed Facilitator

Helen Poolman

Position: Wellness and Lifestyle Coach, Color Therapist
Email: info@purelifestyle.nl

Life Coach, Spiritual Healer & Teacher for Body-Mind-Soul

As founder of The School of Light, I am committed to empowering women, especially those who are searching for health and healing as a way of allowing their innermost gifts and highest potential to be their source of inspiration for their life’s purpose.

I accompany them on their spiritual path, helping women to release blockages and trauma and activate the innate healing capacity of the body, mind and soul. Inviting the inspiring force of loving energy to open up their heart and spirit, recognizing their voice of light within, which will guide them to follow their blueprint to what is beneficial and inspiring for them.

The focus of my work is always to help women ground themselves, find their own confidence and awaken them on all levels, from soul to cell.

I began my practice in 1984, in Unitive Body-Psychotherapy, a non-dual approach and Bio Dynamic Massage therapy. I am an emotional bodyworker as well, having worked with the Founder of the well-known SCR method for burnout in the Netherlands – we still work together. I have a raw food cookbook that was published in 2009 and have received certificates as a Natural Health Advisor (HBO), Iris-copy (HBO) and Pure Lifestyle Coaching. I studied the Aura-Soma colour care system and am a teacher, practitioner as well as a colour-puncturist of the Peter Mandell Method.

If you are interested in any kind of support or training, please feel free to look at my website!

Life Coach, Spiritual Healer & Teacher for Body-Mind-Soul As founder...

Helen Poolman

Wellness and Lifestyle Coach, Color Therapist

Alma Lilic

Position: Wellness Engineer
Email: yourwellnessengineer@gmail.com

I believe that we are meant to thrive, not simply survive in life.

I have spent the last 20 years learning and working in many different fields. I have studied chemistry, which earned me the title of chemical engineer. Then came communication science, psychology, vegan nutrition and more. I worked for a large number of companies, from a big American multinational conglomerate to a popular Dutch TV station and a large marketing research company. I currently have the job of my dreams working as a music publicist for a popular international independent record label.

I did all these things, not for the money or the status, but for the experience, challenge, and personal growth that these worlds could provide. Now that I am fortunate enough to have found meaning and joy in my professional career, I have enough time to spend on my other passions in life: health, wellness, and spirituality.

Having overcome some significant emotional and physical issues in my life, I personally experienced the incredible change that coaching and a healthier lifestyle can offer. As a result, I often found myself mentoring and guiding my friends, colleagues, and clients in their health pursuits and always dreamed about becoming an actual, certified coach. This has led me to the wonderful Cathleen Beerkens and A Wellness Revolution. After finishing her intensive Health and Wellness Coaching Program, I now operate as a certified Health and Wellness Coach. I have changed my title from a Chemical Engineer, to a Wellness Engineer!

I am beyond excited to share my knowledge and experience with others. I know first-hand that everyone has the power to create their ideal life and health. Every single person can do that, no matter what your life’s circumstances are. All you need is the right support and the right tools. You can see me as a personal trainer, but instead of training your body, I can help you train your mind and support you on your way to achieve your full potential in every aspect of life: diet, health, relationships, finances, friendships, and spiritual growth. With my Wellness Engineering tools I can help you analyze, design, develop, then live YOUR BEST LIFE!

I believe that we are meant to thrive, not simply survive in life....

Alma Lilic

Wellness Engineer

Dr. Jeff Balch, PhD

Position: Lifestyle Coach for Health & Wellness
Email: ja.balch25@gmail.com

With a background in psychology and international development, I have worked more than thirty years on governance, human rights and public health in Africa. After growing up in California I settled in the Netherlands, where I was awarded a Knighthood for my work on women and children’s rights, among others, and HIV/AIDS in Africa.

Following an international career in adult education I joined A Wellness Revolution, where I sit on the Board and act as a mentor to new Health & Wellness Coaches and students. As a former teacher and non-profit director, I enjoy coaching teachers and leaders whose life balance is compromised by stress, burnout and other health challenges facing modern society. I feel like I’ve been a coach, of sorts, all my life.

What I love about AWR’s approach to lifestyle coaching is that cutting edge scientific discoveries from glycobiology, epigenetics and neurosciences become tools for coaches to support clients back into the driver’s seat of their lives. I appreciate every client for the opportunity they bring for reinforcing the knowledge that we create our own health and wellbeing in our habits and the choices we make – big and small – on a daily basis.

Come join us in the Wellness Revolution. Step up to the challenge of making your life as great as it can be – while making the world a better place to live in – and stride confidently into a future full of richness, meaning and fulfillment.

With a background in psychology and international development, I have...

Dr. Jeff Balch, PhD

Lifestyle Coach for Health & Wellness

Drs. Claudia Lanson

Position: Orthomoleculair, Neurofeedback, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapist
Email: claudia.lanson@gmail.com

I am fascinated by how our body works. To find out which systems are responsible for making us feel good or bad, whether we are healthy or not. When these systems get out of balance, illness and complaints will arise. In my practice, I try to uncover the actual cause of the illness and solve that instead of only trying to soothe the symptoms. Next to an extensive questionnaire, I use laboratory research (feces, blood, saliva) to discover the health of your gut, liver, kidney, hormones, and immune system. As Therapy, I like to work with Nutritional Medicine, Neurofeedback Therapy and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.

There is a saying: A Chinese dinner is as a consultation with a specialist. That totally resonates with me.  I do love cooking and am always trying to find out new recipes, that taste great and are healing at the same time.  My challenge is health!

I am fascinated by how our body works. To find...

Drs. Claudia Lanson

Orthomoleculair, Neurofeedback, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapist

Johann Callaghan

I am a bestselling Author, Speaker, Certified Health Coach, Sleep Expert and Mum. I have featured many times in the media; on radio, TV, newspapers and magazines. My first book ‘How to get a good night’s sleep’ has been a major success in Ireland and across the world. I give seminars, workshops and online training in health & wellness and I am the go-to sleep expert.

I am an award-winning entrepreneur, winning the Micro Biz Award (MBA), 2016, an MBA finalist in 2018 and a Women in Business finalist 2018.

I am passionate about empowering you to discover how you can take back control of your family’s life with awareness and healthy living. As a coach, I help to educate and inspire you to understand and be responsible for your own health and self-care and get on the path of happiness and wellness that you can do yourself.

After losing my baby daughter, Megan, in 2007 my whole life changed. As part of my healing, I found a new holistic way of being. I discovered the innate healing power we all have, to overcome any obstacle with a positive outlook. I discovered the power of the mind has a massive influence on our perspectives. Our nutrition, movement and especially sleep collectively enable us to be healthy overall, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and therefore happy and abundant.

I believe that anybody with the right attitude, knowledge and inspiration can improve their quality of life and sleep better. Empowering Sleep Success is my 12-week online program together with tools, videos and worksheets to help empower you through this process and get the results you want!

Here is my FREE e-book gift to you ‘Improve Your Sleep, Improve Your Health’ go to:

Johann Callaghan

I am a bestselling Author, Speaker, Certified Health Coach, Sleep...

Johann Callaghan

Louise Proddow

Position: Positive Ageing Advocate & Health and Wellness Coach
Email: louise@tweakuk.com

I am 54 year old positive ageing advocate and Health and Wellness coach, fueled by my lifelong love of healthy living and the outdoors which has grown deeper over the years. I love midlife and all the ‘positive’ experiences it brings. I started my midlife wellness brand, Rejuvage, as a place to share my ideas and information about life, health, beauty, fitness, menopause, sex, travel and transformation .

For over 25 years before this I was a pioneering brand and marketing leader, responsible for creating the global brand, marketing and digital strategies for some of the world’s top technology brands like Nokia and Dell. In 2011 I founded Tweak Marketing to provide a new type of marketing consultancy, creative and digital marketing service that deliver results. A published author and entrepreneur my focus now is to use my experience to support the growth of my wellness business and help others become healthier and happier versions of themselves.

A ‘Pro age’ attitude to life is about not letting age and stereotype’s hold you back. I am excited by every new day and the freedom midlife brings. This is a great time in your life to help you understand yourself and inspire others. As I have grown older I have come to understand the concept of holistic wellness and the steps we all need to take to really learn to care for ourselves on all levels of body, mind and spirit. I am excited to collaborate with A Wellness Revolution as I work with many people helping them in their process of aging and living their life fully and completely!

I am 54 year old positive ageing advocate and Health...

Louise Proddow

Positive Ageing Advocate & Health and Wellness Coach
Picture of Leo Patel

Leo Patel

Position: Health and Wellness Coach
Email: leonard_patel@me.com

My name is Leo Patel and I was born and raised in the UK. For most of my 20’s I worked as an actor, writer, director and event planner working primarily in theatre. After achieving some long held personal goals, I began to feel, as many of us do, that I needed to expand my horizons and explore other paths in search of fulfillment. This led me to spend many years traveling the world, working, meeting new people and immersing myself in unfamiliar cultures.

During this time I learned a lot about what binds all of us together, but I also began to see much more sharply the ways in which our constructed environment separates us from nature and what we need to be happy, safe and fulfilled. This realization started me down the path to becoming a Health and Wellness coach. Since graduating from A Wellness Revolutions coaching program I now live and practice in the Netherlands while studying Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. I have a particular focus on Sleep and Sleep therapy and enjoy nothing more than helping people reconnect with this fundamental part of the human experience.

Picture of Leo Patel

My name is Leo Patel and I was born and...

Leo Patel

Health and Wellness Coach

Emma van Leeuwen

Position: Health and Wellness Coach
Email: ev.vonleeuwen@gmail.com

My name is Emma van Leeuwen and I was born and raised in the Netherlands.
In 2017, I graduated from drama school and, unfortunately, suffered a rather serious burnout soon after. I have always been the kind of person who works hard, no matter what, at the expense of my own boundaries, as it turns out.

I subsequently underwent 2.5 years of therapy and felt a strong need to do something with what I had learned during my transformative experience. I have always been interested in wanting to teach people about healthy eating and how to take care of oneself, so I decided to take this course.

This decision proved to be a journey, not only within myself, but a journey towards my becoming a Health & Wellness Coach as well. I have learned so many valuable lessons in how to care for myself – in body, mind and spirit. I remain so excited to continue the journey of helping others with their issues.

I am presently coaching families with obese children and trying to help them create a healthier lifestyle that they can sustain by making more informed choices concerning their health and wellness.

My name is Emma van Leeuwen and I was born...

Emma van Leeuwen

Health and Wellness Coach

Britt Janssen

Position: Health and Wellness Coach
Email: balancedbybritt@gmail.com

My name is Britt Janssen and I’m born and raised in The Netherlands. I did a study in Hotel & Event Management. After my graduation I moved to the Caribbean for two years to work as a manager in a restaurant on the beach.

Through this experience I realized that was searching for a career change. I have found my passion and purpose as a Health & Wellness Coach. I have improved my own health through this process of learning about Health and Wellness. I am also a Reiki Practitioner and through this I really am excited to help people re-balancing their emotions.
I love to help people, and my emphasis will be to help people to rebalance their lives on the basis of Body – Mind – Spirit. I have founded my company BALANCED where I help people change their Lifestyle and become happier and healthier. I offer one on one coaching and you can reach me via my website: www.balancedbybritt.com

I believe that a happy life is not built upon perfection, it’s built upon balance.


My name is Britt Janssen and I’m born and raised...

Britt Janssen

Health and Wellness Coach

Shelby Hoefling

Position: Health and Wellness Coach, Yoga Teacher
Email: hoefling.shelby@gmail.com
My name is Shelby Hoefling

I graduated from Virginia Tech and currently live in Northern VA, just outside of Washington DC. In between graduating college in 2013 and now, I lived in LA where I first realized and truly felt my love for health and wellness. Even though I absolutely loved LA, I had a very stressful and demanding job that left me feeling continuously depleted and overwhelmed. This, coupled with life events, caused my health to spiral out of control. I knew I had to make a change for my health and wellness and for my soul, so I left the corporate world in 2018 and made a vow to myself to live a life ignited with passion, love, and wellness.

I realized that when I do not let fear hold me back and I let my creativity run wild – anything is possible. Since making this life change, I moved back to the East Coast and just recently finished the Health & Wellness Coaching program through A Wellness Revolution, where I now mentor, and love it! I am a health and wellness coach committed to helping others find their happiest and healthiest lives. When not health coaching, I can be found teaching all types of yoga (mainly chair yoga), passionately finding ways I can work with and help older adults, and lastly can be found promoting and sharing my 2 children’s books which can be found on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

My name is Shelby Hoefling I graduated from Virginia Tech...

Shelby Hoefling

Health and Wellness Coach, Yoga Teacher

Bianca Ketting

Position: Wellness Coach
Phone: 06-27 46 50 15
Email: bianca@biyanka.NL

After 15 years of working in the graphic design industry, I felt a strong need to do something more meaningful to me.

I began the Reiki Terra Mai 1,2 & 3 training in 2007, which then led to a one-year massage education training course, followed by a detox treatment training known as the Universal Body Contour Wrap. Amazed by the results I was getting (and able to give to others). I quit my job, because I wanted to follow my heart, learn and grow. So I chose to help others with their health.

At this time, I received my Diploma for Quantum-Touch, Mediumschap Training (1,2, & 3), and Trance Healing 1, 2 & 3 (Meridiaan en elementen leer).

After attending a Wellness Journey Class in 2015, my life was forever changed! I began following all the training classes about food and health. All this education and learning encouraged me to become a Health and Wellness Coach. Becoming a Coach has inspired me to want to share this information, be a light in this world, and encourage others to make lifestyle changes so they, too, can feel healthy, happy, and beautiful.

Now I have my own health studio and offer body analysis scans (Body Analyst Scans) to measure how the body is doing on the inside, as well as offer lymph-drainage and compression therapy (using Linfopress) and still give the Universal Contour Wrap for detoxing the skin and body.

I feel blessed for all the education and for having become a Health and Wellness Coach.

Biyanka Hara Gezondheidsstudio (gevestigd in Soest en in Hilversum)

After 15 years of working in the graphic design industry,...

Bianca Ketting

Wellness Coach

Claudia Dujardin

Position: Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Nutrition Counselor & Children’s Coach
Email: info@claudiadujardin.com

Hi, I am Claudia, founder of Global Vitality.

I was born in Netherlands but left at a young age to go to beautiful South East Asia. My transition from Florida to the Middle East led me to an enriching creative experience and took me on varieties of captivating cultures and culinary adventures.

My healthy learning curve started in 2003. As a body balance instructor, nutritional consultant, orthomolecular children’s coach to a holistic health and wellness coach.

I offer online and offline coaching to help you (re) activate your self-healing capacity and transform your lifestyle into a vibrant, healthy and happy life. I believe that everyone can have a more joyful and healthy existence when they are motivated to embrace the road that leads them to their goals.  I am committed and inspired to enrich the lives of others with my knowledge and skills. In the company of my accessible and enthusiastic coaching materials, you can experience immediate results!

In bio-individuality meaning “There’s no one-size-fits-all diet” we see what works best for your unique body, mind and spirit.

It is my greatest joy to help you to create your best life, discover your true self, your creative mind and activate your goals.

You can find me at www.claudiadujardin.com  to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.

In balance and Harmony

Hi, I am Claudia, founder of Global Vitality. I was...

Claudia Dujardin

Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Nutrition Counselor & Children’s Coach

Minka van der Meulen

I was born and raised in southern Amsterdam, NL and graduated from the H.B.O.J (Youth Welfare Work, Amsterdam) in 1985. I then went on to study law for a year at the VU University of Amsterdam.
I worked as a ‘group leader’ for 17 years in the children’s welfare sector, especially within homes that housed abused and addicted youngsters (Amsterdam).
I began flying with the K.L.M. Royal Dutch Airlines in 1988, where I am still employed as a senior purser in the cabin.
I began coaching people about 10 years ago, with a focus on improving their communication skills and strategies to help them achieve their promotional goals and interviewing techniques. I especially enjoy helping others discover their own power so that they may stand out and be noticed.

In 2015, I studied the Health and Wellness course (given by Cathleen Beerkens) and became a Certified Health & Wellness Coach. To this day, I implement the many invaluable skills I learned into my coaching sessions.

I have been a vegetarian since I was 15 years of age and enjoy cooking. I even have a garden where I grow a few of my own vegetables.

I was born and raised in southern Amsterdam, NL and...

Minka van der Meulen

Clara Hengeveld

Position: Health and Wellness Coach
Email: clara.hengeveld@laposte.net

I graduated as an Engineer from the Wageningen University (Netherlands) in 2003 after having studied Biotechnology. In 2004 I moved to France (Paris area) and went into Clinical Research where I gathered key experiences in Rare diseases, Oncology, Neurology, Rheumatology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology and Dermatology. During my years in Clinical Research I learned a lot about different diseases and the way traditional medicine takes care of these and the patients. Although traditional medicine can really help patients, I also learned it is not curing all. Patients are getting their treatments but are not necessarily learned how to improve their lifestyle in order to prevent the disease from getting back or becoming worse. Over the years I became more and more aware that it is better to avoid becoming ill then trying to cure the disease. And at that moment my personal Health & Wellness Journey started.

I am interested in Human Behaviour and Psychology, understanding a human being with its emotions and behaviours. That interest and the above journey decided me to become a Health & Wellness Coach following the Course at A Wellness Revolution. Since then, I started to coach people with much pleasure, having the feeling really contributing to wellbeing.

I also have a true passion and enthusiasm for Aromatherapy. In 2019, I followed a Medical & Scientific Course in Paris to become a certified Aromatherapist. Since then, I advise people how to use aromatherapy for their therapeutic indications and train mainly entrepreneurs and coaches how to use essential oils in their daily life and in their coaching practice.

In my free time I am playing fencing, I like to run and cycling. I am passionate about music, playing saxophone since a couple of years and love to go to concerts, especially in small concert halls.



I graduated as an Engineer from the Wageningen University (Netherlands)...

Clara Hengeveld

Health and Wellness Coach

A Wellness Webinar

Join our free introductory webinar to learn more about the course, accreditations and future career opportunities on February 25th at 20:00 or 22:00 CET.

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